Thursday, 22 June 2017

Problem Monkeys Time to Take Action

The Vervet Monkey an Environmental Disaster

The sole purpose of this web site is to inform the public and to encourage groups get together to take class action against the responsible authorities for failing to address the Environmental disaster and the terrorizing of the human population of Durban by Vervet Monkeys

How much longer are we the citizen expected to tolerate the fact that the responsible authorities in particular the EThekwini Metro that are refusing to look into and to take action in regards to the environmental disaster which is being caused by the ever increasing vervet monkey population that is wreaking havoc with all other life forms within the urban area not to mention how they are terrorizing the human population, invading homes, destroying their property and possessions.

Children and the elderly are no longer safe from terrorist monkeys that no longer have any fear for humans.

One of the causes for the problem are a very small group of vicious fanatics that value monkeys far more than nature, humans and the truth who due to their total short-sightedness and self interest have created monster monkeys that are now the target of totally fed up members of the public who are now taking the matter into their own hands using often very unacceptable methods to protect Nature and themselves from the marauding hordes of terrorist monkeys.

This group must take a large proportion of the blame for the desperate plight of the victim monkeys now being the target of the totally frustrated public who are getting no help at all from the authorities.

Clearly the time has come for the public to come together to take class action against the authorities that have been intimidated into ignoring the ever increasing problem by the fanatics belonging to the various Monkey Help Groups.

A call to take action

One of the legal remedies that can be investigated by groups are in terms of the following legislation

I terms of the National Environmental Management Act No. 107 of 1998 (“NEMA”)

NEMA makes provision for individuals or groups seeking relief in respect of any breach or threatened breach of any provision of the Act.  Section 32 provides:

“Any person or group of persons may seek appropriate relief in respect of any breach or threatened breach of any provision of this Act, including a principle contained in Chapter 1, or of any provision of a specific environmental management Act, or of any other statutory provision concerned with the protection of the environment or the use of natural resources –

(a) in that person’s or group of person’s own interest;

 (b) in the interest of or on behalf of a group or class of persons whose interests are affected;

(c) in the public interest; and

(d) in the interest of protecting the environment.”